Great Turnout and the Hermes Lite + Thetis

What a fantastic turnout last night folks, 20 members present at club with several more offering their apologies for the evening. It really is great to see so many of us enjoying good company, together with a cup of Dougs super brew and what can only be described as an enormous selection of biscuits! Talking … Read more

Fancy some fun on 2M…?

Update from Chris: THE RULES The Contest will start after Midnight Thursday 22nd February and is open to members only. The only Mode of TX is Simplex on Two Meters (points can be gained by being on the weekly net 145.375 Tuesday evening). One point per contact. The same contact can only be used once … Read more

Pubs and Clubs On the Air

Last year when several NARS members were up at Llancloudy, we had a discussion with the owner of the farm about operating from the ‘refreshment serving area’ during Pubs and Clubs on the air. He thought this was a great idea, and has granted us permission to participate from the farm this year. So, Pubs … Read more

Antenna Modelling with Roger GW6HRU

Newport Amateur Radio Society held their first presentation of 2024 last night in the series of ‘Last Thursday of the Month’ talks, when our very own Roger, GW6HRU delivered a thoroughly comprehensive overview of how to go about modelling antennas… in fact, ANY antenna you can dream of… in the 4NEC2 application. Roger has modelled … Read more

Club Items for sale

NARS has a few items that we are looking to sell and would like to initially offer these at preferential prices to club members, subsequently we will make them available for public sale to the wider amateur radio community. If you are interested in any of these items, just let one of the committee members … Read more

Christmas wishes from NARS

To members old and new, to our dear SK friends, to all our visitors and to all of amateur radio friends the world over, however you are spending it; with family, friends and loved ones we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Here’s to another successful year for NARS in 2024. John … Read more

Festivities at NARS

A light hearted suggestion a week ago led to a wonderful festive evening at NARS this week. Ross (GW3NWS) suggested for our last week together in 2023, we ought to have an impromptu Christmas styled evening with bring-along snacks and goodies… and WOW, what a fabulous evening it turned out to be! From Johns’ home … Read more

Margaret Hill – GW4SUE sadly Silent Key

With great sadness I have to report that NARS Member Margaret Hill, GW4SUE passed away peacefully this morning, 17th November 2023, with her family around her. Margaret was a great friend to us here at Newport Amateur Radio Society, as was her husband SK Bob Hill, GW0FJE who passed in 2021. Margaret, together with her … Read more

HV Electricity Generation and Distribution

Members of NARS were treated to an incredibly insightful talk last night (16th Nov ’23) by our very own Ross – GW3NWS – on High Voltage Electricity Generation and Distribution. Ross covered pretty much everything from the control of the water / steam level in the drum through to 22kV circuit breakers. It was fascinating … Read more