Welsh Radio Rally 2017
The "Welsh Radio Rally 2017" will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Rougemont School. http://www.gw6gw.co.uk/visitors.html
The "Welsh Radio Rally 2017" will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Rougemont School. http://www.gw6gw.co.uk/visitors.html
Kent’s Hill Park Training and Conference Centre, Swallow House, Timbold Drive, Kent’s Hill Park, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK7 6BZ. The Convention programme of lectures for all interests will be available on the website. Principal sponsor Martin Lynch & Sons. .
NEWPORT AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 27th OCTOBER 2017 Agenda 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of previous AGM 3. Chairman's report 4. Secretary's report 5. Contest Manager's report 6. Treasurer's report 7. Equipment Manager's report 8. To discuss any amendments to the Constitution 9. Election of Officers 10. Debate of Motions ... Read more