Railways on the Air
We will be operating from the Old Station, Tintern on Saturday 23rd September. https://www.qrz.com/db/GB4OST
We will be operating from the Old Station, Tintern on Saturday 23rd September. https://www.qrz.com/db/GB4OST
Newark & Nottinghamshire Showground, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 2NY. Brought to you by the RSGB in association with the Lincoln Short Wave Club. The venue has free car parking and has disabled facilities. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy, car boot area, flea market, special interest groups and RSGB bookstall. ... Read more
The "Welsh Radio Rally 2017" will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Rougemont School. http://www.gw6gw.co.uk/visitors.html