Building a QRO Amplifier

Club House Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Rhiwderin, Newport, United Kingdom

Jeff - GW3UZS - has agreed to do a presentation on building a QRO amplifier.  Jeff has extensive experience of building transceivers and amplifiers and will demonstrate how he has built one of his many amplifiers. Jeff has an interesting QRZ page where you can find many photographs and detailed breakdowns of many of the ... Read more

Newport Amateur Radio Society AGM

Club House Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Rhiwderin, Newport, United Kingdom

The NARS AGM will be held this year on Thursday 24th October commencing 7:30pm, at the NARS Clubhouse. Paul (Sec) will send out the minutes and any other details several weeks prior to the meeting in accordance with the club constitution. If you would like to nominate someone to stand for election on the NARS ... Read more