Power Supplies, Earthing and Grounding

Club House Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Rhiwderin, Newport, United Kingdom

Everything you wanted to know about one of the most important but often overlooked pieces of equipment in your shack, the humble Power Supply. Linear Vs Switch mode, energy efficiency, noise/interference, reliability and potential disasters. Another area which is often the subject of confusion is RF Grounds and Mains Earth, why there is so often ... Read more

POSTPONED – Overview of RTTY

Club House Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Rhiwderin, Newport, United Kingdom

Please note this event is postponed until some time later in the year.  Trying to arrange a short notice replacement - watch this space but maybe a week with no last Thursday of the month presentation. Overview of RTTY: what it is, how does it work, how to set up your rig for RTTY operation. ... Read more

**POSTPONED** More Arduino & MicroController wizardry & magic

Club House Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Rhiwderin, Newport, United Kingdom

Apologies folks, I have had to postpone this demo as I am unable to get away from work to get to club in time.  Will reschedule in due course.   More Arduino & MicroController wizardry & magic, and its use in Amateur Radio.  Provisionally booked in, John will add further details to the initial Arduino ... Read more