In the first of two consecutive weeks of NARS talks on SOTA – on Thursday 29th June, NARS welcomed Kevin Nicholls, M0KXN to tell us all about SOTA Activating – and an informative and well prepared presentation it was, too! Kevin did a wonderful job covering all aspects of SOTA: what it is all about, what is classified as a peak, what points are awarded and how to attain those points etc. Kevin also showed us a range of impressive photographs from the locations he has visited – some beautiful mountains across Wales. He shared his motivation, his goals and targets for what he wishes to accomplish vis-a-vis SOTA and all in all was an excellent presentation.
Kevin also make a very kind offer for any member who wishes to try out SOTA – when he will gladly accompany them on what may be their first activation helping in any area that might be required – from setting up the equipment to operate a SOTA /p station, to how to correctly log the QSO on the relevant SOTA www site so that any points can be claimed.
Don’t forget that next Thursday 6th July, NARS’ very own Robert – GW0RQC, will deliver a follow up presentation, on How to be a SOTA Chaser. Looking forward to that one, too!
Everyone present really enjoyed the presentation, and extends their thanks to Kevin for the obvious effort taken in preparation.
Many thanks, Kev, from all at NARS!