Dispelling the Myths of RTTY

Wonderful presentation at club yesterday evening by Steve, GW4OGO which was all about a mode used perhaps less frequently than CW or SSB, which is that of RTTY. Steve explained how to go about setting up your radio (NARS’ IC-7300 for our demo), together with the software required to link to it to be able to have QSO’s using RTTY.

Steve pretending he doesn't know about RTTY
Steve, pretending he doesn’t know about RTTY

Plenty of club members were present, and didn’t hold back with a plethora of questions, and not wanting to miss anything – whilst demonstrating something, Steve also made sure to “hold that thought, Roger!”.

Steve pretending he doesn't know about RTTY

Another excellent evening!

Steve demonstrating RTTY

1 thought on “Dispelling the Myths of RTTY”

  1. Sadly to busy revising. Would love to do it. Used it all the time in the RN. Offset was 1.7 from the assigned frequency. Recall the use of a TTVFT. Today I use Gibralter Ratt broadcast to determine conditions. The tones are audibly different off and on line. Ie encrypted or non encrypted. We used to tune to Reuters at sea for the news. In later years along came satellites. Another story. I was one of the first to have the displeasure. It took all the fun out of it.


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